What We Offer
As a comparatively small congregation, we don’t pretend—nor even attempt—to offer every program, bell, and whistle that one might find in a mega-church. Rather than try to do everything, we prefer to do a very few things WELL!
You’ll find that the things we especially value at Union Hill are...
Solid Preaching and Teaching
We believe and teach every verse, chapter, and page of the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God to us!
The heart of our teaching comes from the pulpit ministry of our Senior Pastor, Rev. Christopher E. Burcham. Pastor Burcham works hard each week to bring us messages that are firmly rooted in the ancient (but living) Word in a way that is both as interesting and timely as this morning’s news and also completely relevant and practical for our daily lives at home and in the workplace. (To see what we mean, you can watch to our Pastor’s messages HERE.)
Classic, Christ-Centered Worship
While musical styles are largely a matter of taste, our own preference is for a more classic and traditional form of worship. In other words, we still primarily sing hymns, as favored by generations of our forebears. Even so, we do feature some more contemporary music.
Whatever the style, we're intentional about making sure that Jesus Christ is the center and focus of all our worship!
Purely Social Fun & Activity
One of the distinct advantages of being a smaller congregation is that we are able to get together for occasions that are purely social and fun—and we like to do so just as often as possible!
We enjoy things like: regular cookouts in the summer by the picnic shelter; bonfire/weenie roasts in the fall; chicken stews in the winter; an Easter Breakfast following our Sunrise Service each spring, and so on. We’re always ready for a party—because of the One Who has given us a reason TO party!

Watch Sermons
View the latest sermons from Pastor Burcham and catch up on any you may have missed HERE.
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